Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Part 1 of 2... Ms. Whitney & Lady O

Whitney graced the stage of Oprah for the season premiere. Oprah asked a lot of questions and Whitney responded. Throughout the interview, Whitney talked about how "crazy" Bobby Brown was and how she had to get away from him. Whitney looked good on the show but we are a little confused because 'Being Bobby Brown' didn't air that many years ago and was it just us or did Ms. Whit seem to be the crazy one on the show. It seemed that Bobby was more of the family man and trying to make things work but okay maybe we were day dreaming. Never the less Whitney also said that Bobbi Christina went to rehab with her. Now let us know if we are crazy but for some reason we can recall Whitney's mother having custody of little Bobbi Christina for quite some time... I am sure now that we were both just having bad Whitney dreams!! Anyhow, check out a piece from the interview. Whitney's Part 2 of the interview airs today, we are going to tune in to see what else she has to say... INTERESTING

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